Each listing is individually optimized with the top keywords on the market today. We ensure that every listing reaches the greatest number of its target market by utilizing personalized marketing efforts through paid advertising across all major social media platforms, email marketing, Google, and online web marketing.
There are no upfront costs in getting your property listed with us, we even offer a free valuation if you decide to enter into an exclusive listing agreement with us! But before we list your property, there’s a few things you ought to know.
Before we can get your property listed, we will require the following:
Single/Joint Ownership
A valid copy of a social security card or passport biodata page for each person listed on the property Title
A copy of each Property Title, Land Certificate, Deed of Conveyance, First Certificate of Title or Minister’s Fiat Grant (if more than one parcel makes up the property)
A copy of the Land Survey Map for each parcel if more than one parcel makes up the property
A copy of Parcel ID Map for each parcel if more than one parcel makes up the property
A copy of the most recent Property Tax Statement for each parcel if more than one parcel makes up the property
Business Owned
A copy of the Certificate of Registration for the Business
A copy of the Articles of Memorandum and Articles of Association for the Business
A copy of the Latest Annual Filing for the Business stating all Directors/Shareholders
A copy of the Certificate of Good Standing for the Business
A valid copy of a social security card or passport biodata page for each. Director/Shareholder of the Business
Once you’ve got these documents on hand, contact us to set up a meeting to discuss how we can help make your real estate dream a reality!